
Rapunzel Outfoxed Again at Tuesday Twilight


Rapunzel, Sakura and Hansoff taken by Charles Fox on Outfoxed

Jennifer Fox writes, ‘Tuesday Twilight Ladies Helm has had a magical start to the year with two weeks of perfect sunny 15 knot sea breezes. What a contrast to the weekend where Thursday, Friday and Saturday races were all abandoned as Sydney Harbour was battered by 40+ knot southerlies.

Having missed the first half of the season, Rapunzel was welcomed back and has definitely added some fresh competition to Division 2.

Rapunzel started one minute ahead of us on Outfoxed and Hansoff with Sakura another minute behind. It was a tight reach to Navy buoy 2 where we made up some time. We came up onto a work for the long leg up to Beashel Buoy. In an outgoing tide and good consistent breeze we tacked off toward Bradleys Head to get clear air from Rapunzel and to cover Sakura who are currently top of the point score. We had a couple of very tight crosses with Rapunzel but kept covering Sakura.

Hansoff and Rapunzel rounded Beashel just ahead of us but we got our pole up quickly and did the run to Shark Island alongside Rapunzel. We were close enough to receive some friendly on water advice from my old skipper Ric Lawson on Rapunzel about our sail trim. Rapunzel had buoy room at the Shark mark and went around first with Sakura close behind us. We managed to get above Rapunzel and ever so slowly passed them on the reach back to Kirribilli. As the breeze died off a little my fabulous crew Gary Wogas on main and this week Deb Seaton and Emma Thomas on jib worked every puff and our little 31ft Hanse managed to Outfox Rapunzel and Sakura for a 1-2-3 for the second week in a row.

Division 1 was won by Vivace with just 40 seconds separating five boats between third and seventh position.

Alice O’Connor from Mojo did the prize presentation this week. This is a great way for everyone to get to know their fellow sailors. Alice sharing that she joined the Squadron three years ago and that it has been the most rewarding experience, encouraging everyone to become a member.'

See the results  See Outfoxed in Action