
Friday Twilight on Just Quietly

Sue Swanson writes, 'As Donald and I cruised up the harbour from the Parramatta river where Just Quietly lives, we had plenty of time to discuss whether it was going to be a number 1 or number 3 headsail (we don’t have a number 2!). With the 19 knots gusts we were erring to the number 3 then the breeze dropped to 13 or14 knots and we were back thinking the number 1.

The deciding factors in the end were, that we had a boat full of crew. Nine in total, so plenty of weight on the rail and the south easterly breeze meant more reaching than sailing hard on a wind. Thus, we hoisted the big genoa and got a great start at the front of the fleet. We managed to hold our position throughout the race despite a couple of contenders being hot on our heels as we approached the finish line. Needless to say there were lots of smiling faces through the whole race from both our regular crew and our guests.'

See the results

Friday Twilight Presentation Dinner

Skipper, crew and friends, join the fleet for dinner to celebrate the end of Twilight racing for the 2023-24 season. The PONANT major prize will be drawn from eligible boats.

Event details
Date: Friday 5 April
Time: 6.30pm for 7pm
Venue: RSYS Carabella Room
Cost: $90 includes two courses (alternate entre & main), wine, beer & soft drinks, tea, coffee & chocolates served to the table.
Book online here

Eligibility for the series prize is subject to:
Participation in 75% (17 races, rounded up) or more of the races.
Boats must be represented at the presentation dinner to claim a prize.
View your participation score