Ancillary Courses

Ancillary Courses

  • Want to try sailing? Select one of our Discover Sailing courses.
  • Get involved with club regattas by becoming a Safety Boat Operator. Throughout the year we hold Australian Sailing Powerboat Courses for RSYS Members and Non-Members. 
  • Each Winter Lily Barlow from 'She Can Fix It" delivers her popular Diesel Maintenance Course. 

Upcoming Courses

Start Power boating - Your power boating pathway begins here, introducing you to practical driving skills.  you can take your completion certificate to your State Maritime Regulator and gain the State Boat License.  

Powerboat Handling - This course is designed to improve your boat handling skills, especially in confined areas such as marinas and in swell and waves. You will learn more about engines and types of crafts and practise navigation techniques on a passage. 

Safety Boat Operator - Through this course you will gain the skills needed to support water-based activities.  You'll learn about racecourse design, practise on-water rescue of dinghies and gain an awareness of techniques to support kite surfers and kayaks. 

Register Here for Powerboating Courses

Diesel Maintenance Course - During the Winter season Lily Barlow provides this course to our Members only. The Diesel Maintenance Course is for those who would like a better understanding of diesel engines and aims to develop confidence to remove and replace parts and identify common problems which will inevitably occur on a vessel at sea. 

Register Here

Course booked out? Can’t find what you are looking for?

Course booked out? Can’t find what you are looking for?

If the course you were attempting to register for has booked out, you cannot find a course or would like some help, please use the contact details below to reach out to a staff member of the Academy.

Club Race Officer Course

Club Race Officer Course

This course is provided by Australian Sailing E-Learning portal, allowing you to gain the knowledge to participate within your Clubs Race Committee.  

Location: Australian Sailing E-Learning Portal  

Link : Welcome to the Sailing portal - Janison CLS 

Volunteers - Ancillary Courses


The success of our training programs relies heavily on participation of our Parent Volunteers to give assistance to our youth sailors, create a positive environment and form our Race Committee who play a key role within our Club Dinghy Series. 

Volunteer Roles range from manning the sausage sizzle, launching and retrieving dinghies, Coxswain, Race Officer, Flags Person, Scribe and Mark Layers. We host induction days, run power boating courses and promote Australian Sailing e-learning courses to ensure our parents are skilled in these areas. 

We are extremely grateful for their support and are always looking for more helpers.  

Documents and Media


Volunteer Handbook Summer 2023 4.10.23.pdf

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Nested Applications

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RSYS Sailing Academy Contact Details

RSYS Sailing Academy Contact Details

33 Peel St, Kirribilli NSW 2061
Phone: +61 2 9017 0154
Email: [email protected]

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