RSYS Season Briefing


The Skippers' briefings were held on Tuesday 20 August and Thursday 29 August. If you were away and missed a briefing, select the link below to view the presentation. Contact [email protected] and let us know when you have viewed the presentation, to complete your entry compliance.

RSYS Summary of Changes coming soon
RMS Safety Briefing coming soon

This briefing is compulsory for all owners and skippers competing in any RSYS Club Racing during the 2024/2025 season. The briefing will cover key safety information and changes to the racing from last season.


Equipment Audits

RSYS conducts annual equipment audits on three weekends prior to the new season. They will be held on 17, 24 and 31 August. These weekends are open to member and non-member vessels and are conducted by our team of volunteer Australian Sailing Accredited Auditors. 

Book an Equipment Audit here  

Useful Documents

How to Prepare for an Equipment Audit

RSYS Category 7 Equipment Audit Form

RSYS Category 4 Equipment Audit Form

Australian Sailing – Equipment Audit Forms (Categories 1 – 7 & Off The Beach)

Australian Sailing – Special Regulations Part 1 – Off the Beach Boats

Australian Sailing – Special Regulations Part 1 – Racing Boats

Australian Sailing – Special Regulations – Amendments (January 2022)

Vessel Compliance Responsibility
It is the responsibility of each vessel to ensure they continue to comply in every respect with the category the boat is competing in. 

The Organising Authority, the Club or the Equipment Auditors will not perform ongoing checks or confirm compliance. The responsibility remains with the vessel – the audit only verifies that the equipment is on board at the time of the inspection.

Vessels should refer to the Australian Sailing Special regulations and ensure that all equipment remains on the boat, is kept in good working order and that equipment is replaced or repaired as necessary.