Our Heritage

Our Heritage

Our venerable clubhouse serves as a repository of art, trophies, artifacts and memorabilia, and our history has been well documented.

Our Heritage - RSYS Archive

RSYS Archives

The History Committee has catalogued all the Squadron artefacts and memorabilia, creating an accurate and up-to-date record of the location, description and historical information of the Squadron’s ‘treasures’.

The database has so far been populated with over 2,500 items which represent 99% of the items on display around our clubhouse and also many of those hidden away in the dark recesses of the Squadron. Included are the artworks and photographs on the walls, the trophies in the cabinets and the many pieces of memorabilia such as tillers, bells and models on display.

Members wishing to access Archive material are welcome to contact the History & Archives Committee.

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Our Heritage - Sydney Sails

‘Sydney Sails’

Members may not be aware that the Club produced a book, called ‘Sydney Sails’, in 1962 to commemorate their Centenary. The book was compiled by P. R. Stephenson and his ‘Acknowledgements’ at the start of the book provide a worthy description of the project. The book came in a cardboard sleeve for protection and has become somewhat of a Collector’s Item. While the Club no longer has copies available for purchase, they can be picked up at second-hand bookstores and we urge you to grab a copy if you find one, for the Club, if not yourself.

The volume is a source of information for the History Committee, particularly when answering enquiries from Members. In recent years, the volume has been digitally scanned and is reproduced below. Furthermore, with the advent of ‘Trove’ and the ability to scan early newspapers in the comfort of your home, a number of corrections have been identified and they too are available below.

View Acknowledgements and Corrections
Download the PDF of Sydney Sails – warning: it is 32MB

Our Heritage - ‘Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron’ 1862 – 2000

‘Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron’ 1862 – 2000

In commemoration of the end of the 21st Century, the Squadron produced a follow up volume to Sydney Sails, published in 1962. Here is the Forward written by our Patron, the Duke of Edinburgh:

’Sydney Sails’ was published in 1962 to mark the centenary of the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron. That is now nearly 40 years ago and in the intervening years the premises of the Club, its facilities and its activities have undergone quite substantial development. Like all leading yacht clubs, the Squadron has successfully adjusted to the very considerable economic and social changes of the last half-century. This book takes the story up to the end of the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney.

It is well worth recording the practical details of the development of the Club, but what is much more important is that it has continued to foster and encourage the sport of sailing for all ages both in Sydney’s splendid harbour and further afield in Australian and foreign waters. I believe that members have every reason to be pleased with what the Club has achieved during the last 38 years and I have every confidence that their enthusiasm for the sport will ensure that the Club continues to prosper for many years to come.

The History Committee is pleased to announce that the Second Volume of the Club’s History has been digitally scanned and is now available online for Members to read via the links below. NB the PDFs are very large, c 250MB each, so we recommend you read them insitu from the DropBox folder rather than downloading them.

1862 – 2000 Volume A
1862 – 2000 Volume B
Corrections – March 21

Our Heritage - 1862 to 2012 – the Squadron’s Sesquicentenary

1862 to 2012 – the Squadron’s Sesquicentenary

The 8th of July 1862 marks the formation of the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron, and in 2012 we celebrated our 150th anniversary. In this special Sesquicentenary edition of the Logbook you will find many fascinating stories of renowned Members. There are stories highlighting the great successes of the Squadron, including the Youth sailing program, our initiatives to foster women’s sailing, and our highly successful Annual Cruise.

Our Heritage - Contents


Commodore’s Message

1862 to 2012 – the Squadron’s Sesquicentenary

1862 – Founding the Squadron

Field Guns

Innovation – from the Australian to the Australia II

Carabella – the Squadron’s Harbour home

Fort Denison Cellar

Olympic Gold and World Championships

Volunteers – still key to Race Management

The Squadron Cruise – 43 years strong

America’s Cup – the Squadron Challenges 26

Hardy Cup – Youth Match Racing 33

Women Sailing at the Squadron 34

One Design Racing – a Squadron Specialty

Youth Sailing – lifeblood of the Squadron

Intercolonial Challenges and the Sayonara Cup

Bridge and the social side of the Squadron

Cruise of the ‘Sirius’

Gascoigne Cup – from the siege of Khartoum to Sydney Harbour

Admiral’s Cup – Ultimate in Offshore Racing

Australian Yachtsman of the Year

Squadron Commodores and Life Members

Our Heritage - Meet Our Early Commodores

Meet Our Early Commodores

Research conducted by Life Member and Club Handicapper John Maclurcan.

William Walker 1862- 1867

James Milson Jnr 1867

Henry Carey Dangar 1867-1875

William Oswald Gilchrist 1875-1882

Edward William Knox 1883-1884

James Reading Fairfax 1881-1881, 1884-1889, 1893-1895, 1904-1913

George Alfred Milson (1889-1893)

Robert Hoddle Driberg White (1895-1897)

Sir Alexander MacCormick (1897-1900), (1913-1920)

The Earl Beauchamp (1900-1901)

Thomas Allwright Dibbs (1901-1904)

Our Heritage - Squadron Vessels

Squadron Vessels

  1. Karrawingi Read the article here

  2. Caprice Read the article here

  3. Margaret Rintoul and Fidelis Read the article here

  4. Rapunzel Read the article here

  5. Morag Bheag and Maratea Read the article here

  6. Nina Read the article here

  7. Anitra V Read the article here

  8. Zeus II Read the article here

  9. Wine Dark Sea Read the article here

  10. Phoebe Read the article here